The Power of Light Painting The Still Life

Jan 26, 2024

The Power of Light Painting

Japanese Brushes #5 by Harold Ross

Power Of Light Painting

I often think about the incredible power of light (and light painting). Light is something that many of us take for granted, and I think most of us, myself included, underestimate how the proper application of light can literally transform ordinary subject matter into something extraordinary.

Occasionally, I get the opportunity to apply this incredible light to something that is already quite extraordinary, and this collection of Japanese Brushes, which belongs to my friends Jim and Robin Lawson, is no exception. The combination of these beautiful subjects and the amazing power of light is quite impactful, and it is images like this that make me so grateful and humbled to work in this medium!

We live in a world today where so many things are machine made, and what draws me to these beautiful brushes is the incredible hand-made details. Some of you who know my work know that I have a great deal of respect for people who work with their hands (and an admiration for the tools they use) and these brushes are such a great example of that.

Foundation Course Students:

We are very excited to announce that a new major upgrade to my Light Painting Photoshop Plug-in Panel is now LIVE! This update is indeed major… It automates the creation of what I call the "Print Master File", a duplicate of our "Big Layered File", which we use to further sharpen, retouch, make final tonal adjustments and final crop to prepare for printing. This automation will also keep you on track through the proper workflow.

Also, the entire Print Master Workflow video module has been replaced with a new series of videos, guiding you through the automated function of the new Panel!

Additionally, a new Crop Preview button also automates my "Crop Preview" part of the workflow, reducing several steps to the click of a button!

We have also added functionality with two new buttons, for either HUE or SATURATION adjustment layers, now independent of each other.

And lastly, we have included a new video on the basic panel workflow. This video provides a quick, easy-to-navigate method of making sure that you are following along correctly as you edit your light painted image, creating the "Big Layered File."

The easiest way to update your panel is just to go to the hamburger menu on the upper right of the panel and go to "Check For Updates", although, it is possible that you will be prompted automatically when you launch Photoshop.

Happy Light Painting, and always remember... Skim The Light!


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