Light Painting my Father's "Strait-Line" Chalk Line, c1950s

Jan 29, 2025


 "My Father's Chalk Line" by Harold Ross

 Many of you may have seen or even used a chalk line. This tool is designed to mark a very straight line on materials like lumber or metal. On the left side of the housing, there is a compartment for chalk, and the string is wound up like a fishing reel. When you pull the string out, it gets coated with a dense layer of blue chalk. You then stretch it across two marks and, by snapping the string, it creates a perfectly straight line.

This particular chalk line, the "Strait-Line" (not a typo) made in the 1950s, belonged to my father. I have cherished memories of using it frequently with him many years ago. Although it may be a humble mechanical object, I treasure it deeply. I have taken photographs of it in the past, but this time I wanted to approach it in a more formal way.

I am consistently amazed by how light painting enhances the inherent qualities of the subjects being photographed. When capturing images of objects that hold sentimental value, such as those belonging to loved ones, this method becomes particularly rewarding. It not only preserves the essence of these cherished items, but also allows for the sharing of their significance with others.

Through beautifully crafted photographs, these valued possessions can be shared with family and friends, creating lasting memories and connections.

 Happy Light Painting... and always remember... Skim The Light.

- Harold

Creating light-painted still-life images is extremely rewarding, and something that I teach in great detail throughout my comprehensive light painting online video course.

See what students are saying about my Light Painting The Still Life Foundation Course.


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