Light Painting A Vintage Tool Still Life

Jun 14, 2024

It's no secret that I love vintage tools, and I was so excited when Vera found this beautiful vintage tool belt a few weeks ago. I couldn't wait to shoot it!

It was a very complex image to light and edit… but, taken one piece at a time, it's really no more difficult than a simple image… There is just more to do!

Are you looking for Light Painting Photography Ideas?

I'll be sharing tips on ideas for Light Painting subjects in future blog posts, and here is the first:

You don't have to go out and find something like this tool belt... shoot something you already have!

Light Painting Photography, and the image-making process I teach, will make an ordinary object extraordinary! This is because we are applying light which, when done properly, reveals details that we simply cannot see under ordinary lighting conditions. Then, we edit the image, using some "sculptural" masking techniques to further enhance the form and shape(s) of the subject(s).

I know this sounds strange, but you already have Light Painting subjects around you! From a leaf found in your backyard, to an item that belonged to a loved one, to a vintage item you no longer use... all of these things can be made into a beautiful photograph. It just requires the proper application of light and some special editing techniques.

So, challenge yourself to make a photograph with something you already have... no need to go out looking or shopping for that "perfect" subject. The power is in the process, not so much the content!


Vintage Tool Belt by Harold Ross

I also decided to create a time-lapse video showing the editing of the image:

See what students are saying about my Foundation Course:

Happy Light Painting... and always remember... Skim The Light. - Harold

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